Friday, December 5, 2014


Of all the living beings living on our planet, insects are the most numerous.

And by the way, not all of the insects have a small size.Do not believe me? See for yourself.

Atlas moth
Believe it or not, but this picture - no photoshop: wingspan of this moth reaches 25 cm.

And it is - one of the most formidable species of butterflies in the world.

They are found in Southeast Asia.

These butterflies can not eat because of not fully formed mouth, so do not live more than two or three weeks.

Giant spider camel
for the first time this species was discovered by American soldiers in the desert of Afghanistan and quickly overgrown with myths: that, spiders camels move at the speed of 48 km per hour, eat the entrails of camels and eats people in a dream, paralyzing poison them.

In fact, spiders camels quite peaceful and not aggressive look, their bites are not fatal, though quite diseases.

And the speed of movement, is really quite high for the spider, still significantly inferior to the speed of the human step.

Goliath beetle
These beetles are most severe in the world, their body weight is 100 grams, which makes these Goliaths champions.

Because of its weight when flying beetles emit characteristic sounds like buzzing toy helicopter.

Goliaths live in the tropical forests of Africa.

Their larvae are rich in protein, so used in the manufacture of animal feed.

Giant water bugs
Giant water bugs are found in tropical and subtropical areas, as well as in temperate areas, mainly in freshwater reservoirs. Found in North America, South America, Australia and Asia. It feeds mainly snakes, fish and even turtles.

At length the water bugs can reach 12 centimeters.

For accidents swimmers this insect bite can turn irreversible consequences and lacerations.

Giant Weta
It's pretty cute grasshoppers for fantasy Freddy Krueger.

Weta is one of the heaviest insects.

Fortunately, the giant Weta are found only on the island of Little Barrier in New Zealand.
Giant Weta reach 10 centimeters in length, not counting the legs and antennae.

Times their body weight exceeds 70 g. Despite the fact that look eerily Weta, some people keep them as pets.

Amazonian giant centipede
One of the largest species of centipedes can reach 35 cm in length.

Each collector of insects seeks to acquire a giant Amazonian centipede, but do not forget that its poisonous stings are deadly for many mammals and are very dangerous to humans.

Venom causes swelling, pain, fever, and chills.
carnivorous centipedes feed on everything that comes their way: lizards, frogs, snakes, birds and mice.

tarantula is officially recognized by the largest spider in the world.

The scope of the legs of this insect is 30 cm and weight can exceed 170 grams.

Tarantula is second only to the giant hunter span extremities, but far superior to the latter in size and body weight.
Despite the nickname, the birds eat the spider infrequently.

He prefers frogs, snakes and bats.

Tarantula bite is harmless to humans, and feels reminiscent of a wasp sting.

What can be said about the security of poisonous hairs covering the body of the spider: the people, they can cause a variety of reactions, from simple irritation to unbearable itching.

Japanese hornets
These insects are five times larger than a normal honey bees, which are a favorite target of hornets.

Honey bees were introduced to Japan from the outside, so do not have Estesstvenno protection against such large insects as Japanese hornets.

Three specimens of Japanese hornets can destroy a colony of 30,000 honeybees.

However, the bees still managed to develop a defense mechanism.

When they see a hornet, then surround it swarm and sting to death.
Despite the fact that the Japanese hornets avoid people, their venom is toxic enough to kill a man.

Every year about 70 people die and in Japan from the bites of hornets.

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