Sage grouse or grouse wormwood - North American bird pheasant family.
It is the largest population and the most unusual of Representatives grouse.

Sage grouse in length from 65 to 75 cm and weighing from 3.5 to 4 kg, with the male is much larger than the female.

Sage grouse usually lives near the dense thickets of wormwood shrub in the desert foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
Thickets grouse are safe shelter, as well as the main source of food throughout the year.
One condition for a comfortable existence sage grouse is the presence of wet bog-water bodies.

The plumage of both sexes with streaks of gray, brown and white, the lower side is dark.
Tail feathers strongly pointed, being located vertically behind, they differ in the radial direction.
The male's throat is colored black, while the large, white bags craw stretch down to the chest and flank the magnificent "frill" nahohlennoy birds. The next feature of the male - eyebrows yellow.
Inflating the neck, while the male holds the wings fold to these feathers, producing the same sound, as if to lead the nail on the comb.
Rather long tail feathers and sharp, and when at tokovanii tail uncovered and standing upright, they stick out in all directions, as an Indian headdress.

Homeland sage grouse - a steppe covered with sagebrush in western North America, from Canada to New Mexico.
While the winter it can be found more in the plain, in the summer he inhabits foothills.
In 2000, living on the southeast Utah and southwest Colorado population was separated into its own kind Centrocercus minimus.

The main enemies of wormwood grouse are coyote, bobcat, American badger, and birds of the family Accipitridae.
They destroy not only the masonry, but also juvenile and adult birds.
Israeli photographer Zander Yaqui almost all his time is dedicated shooting nature and its inhabitants.
From childhood he loves nature and enjoys photography began with 17 years.

White-throated kingfisher.

Spaghetti ..
"Honey, it's not what you think." 
Almost a touchdown.

Female Travyanka River. 
Palestinian sunbirds.

Great White Egret. 
Palestinian sunbirds. 
"Hey, did you stop me from being photographed!" 
Common Tern. 
White-throated kingfisher. 
White-throated kingfisher. 
Common Tern. 
Red-backed Shrike. 
"Get out of my branches." 
As if a smile ... 
"You think I will not get caught?" 
Lesser Kestrel. 
Barn Owl. 
Up in the air.
Female Travyanka River. 
Great reed warbler. 
Common Tern with a catch. 
Common Tern. 
Little Owl. 
Pied kingfisher. 
Time for lunch. 
White-throated kingfisher. 
Green bee-eater. 
Flamingo. It seems Siamese twins :)
Pied kingfisher. 
Rose-ringed parakeet. 
Pied kingfisher. 
"Who delicious?" (Great Tit) 
Adopted graceful. 
Travyanka River. 
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