
Friday, December 5, 2014


Many people are afraid of insects, probably because they are horrible, disgusting, strange and terrible.

However, despite his strange appearance, many insects have incredible abilities that can give odds to other animals and even us humans.

Despite their tiny size, these being an important role in nature.


Cockroaches are perhaps the most unloved creatures in the world. Despite this, they are also the most powerful.

The mere presence of a cockroach in the house can make the strongest, most people the power to jump, run and scream like a girl.
However, most people do not know that cockroaches have great value in the medical world.

A number of researchers are currently studying cockroaches for their potential in the treatment of some of the worst human diseases.

Scientists have discovered that the brain contains a cockroach "... nine antibiotic molecules that protect them from hungry, deadly bacteria."

So what does this have to modern medicine?

The fact that the antibacterial molecules in the brain cockroaches are more potent than the antibiotics that we use today.

In fact, the antibacterial properties of these disgusting insects are much more effective than some of our modern medicines, they make "prescription drugs look like a sugar pill." Laboratory tests have shown that using antibacterial molecules in cockroaches can be easily cured methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - a bacterial infection, which is more deadly than AIDS and E. coli.
In addition to their amazing healing power, cockroaches also have an incredible ability to survive in nuclear explosions .

When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by atomic bombs, the only survivors were cockroaches.

However, it is important to note that this amazing ability has its limitations.

Under the influence of 100,000 units of radon, cockroaches still die.


Bees are among the most intelligent insects in the animal world.

In addition, they have their own complex communications, they also possess extraordinary navigation skills, despite the fact that their vision is limited.
It is generally known that honeybees can communicate with each other.

They perform a series of movements called "wagging dance" to tell each other where there is food or what place is best suitable for the construction of a new colony.

However, many people do not know that dance is very complicated and incredibly advanced for such tiny creatures. Honeybees know that the Earth is round, and they take this fact into account when they learn the location of a particular food source.

In addition, they can also be very easy to calculate the angles just by reading its data wagging dance.

For example, if the direction of the bee dancing from 12 to 6 hours, this means that the food or house located directly from the sun.

In contrast, the movement in the direction of 6 to 12 hours means that the bees must be "fly straight to the sun."

The movement in the direction from 7 to 1 hour means that bees need to fly "to the right of the sun."
In addition to communicating with each other, honeybees also guided in their environment through other means, such as remembering visual cues, accounting position of the Sun, and the use of Earth's electromagnetic field.


Locust is one of the most effective pilots in the world of insects.

These winged creatures, which many people consider a threat, can fly long distances without using too much energy.

For many years, scientists have studied them, and know that even if these insects do not make frequent tremors and waving, they are able to maintain a steady pace of flight.

Their ability to maintain a steady pace of flight does not change, even if the air temperature and winds are unfavorable.

This amazing ability allows them to travel great distances without spending large amounts of energy.
Even more surprising is that the locust has the ability to turn their wings during flight.

In doing so, they can even store and control the amount of strokes, which they do.

This in turn helps in maintaining them at a constant speed flight.

This optional feature allows them to fly up to 80 miles in a single day without the need of rest.


Amazing ability fireflies produce their own light, is a miracle in the animal world, and a source of inspiration and joy for many of us.

As a child, you probably have experienced that magical feeling that appears when a twilight flicker of these amazing creatures.
Another thing we humans can learn from fireflies is how to efficiently use energy. Fireflies were designed by nature so as to use energy without losing most of it through the heat.

Light bulbs that are installed in our homes, use only 10 percent of its total energy to produce light. The remaining 90 percent are wasted heat energy.

On the other hand, the surprising firefly body are arranged so that they can use 100 percent of the energy to generate light.

If fireflies were as bulbs, in that they would only be used to generate 10 percent of the light and the remaining 90 percent was isolated in the form of thermal energy, they will almost certainly be burned to death.
Moreover, as bees can also fireflies communicate with each other. Fireflies use their ability to produce light to signal to each other that they are ready to mate.Male fireflies emit different types of flicker (each type has its own unique combinations) that signal the female fireflies that they are "idle".

At the same time, if the female firefly interested in mating, it also responds via flicker.


Fleas are not only harmful to your pets, but also for you and your family. Despite this, they have something that deserves admiration for the human: these insects are able to jump to a height in excess of their own growth 150 times!

This may not seem very surprising if you consider this possibility in terms of insects, but if you look at it in terms of human, then you will find that fleas pursuing your pets really are incredible creatures.
Take the following example: the growth of certain man, let's call him Bill, equal to 175 centimeters.

If he was a flea, he could jump to 263 meters into the air, and he, therefore, could have been, in fact, to overcome gravity.

Just imagine how different our world would be if we had this amazing ability to fleas.

It would be fewer cars, less pollution, lower costs, etc.

So next time when you crush a flea, think about what she can do.

Dung beetles

There are two reasons why the dung beetles were included in this list: feces and astronomy.

This may surprise you, but these two seemingly unrelated items were bound by these incredible creatures.
Dung beetles are very disgusting way of life.

They collect animal droppings, rolled them into a ball, and use it for different purposes.

They can use the ball as his home, postpone eggs in it, or if they are hungry, they have a snack.

However, what is surprising is that dung beetles have an incredible ability to roll their "balls of dung" in a straight line, even at night!

Intrigued by this entertaining ability, Marie Dake, a biologist at the University of Lund in Sweden, conducted an experiment.

She put dung beetles in the planetarium, and watched as the insects could successfully roll their dung ball in a straight line with "all the starry sky."
To experiment more interesting, Dake decided to show only the Milky Way galaxy.

Surprisingly, dung beetles still able to roll their precious dung balls in a straight line.

Conclusion: dung beetles are great processors and incredible astronomers.


We humans have a remarkable ability to selectively focus.

Right now, you use this ability to eliminate various distractions and focus on the reading and understanding of this list.

For many years, scientists believed that only primates have this amazing ability.

However, a new study has shown that a certain winged creature in the world of insects also has selective attention - dragonfly.
Dragonflies have a very small brain, and yet during the hunt, they rely on selective attention.

If you see a dragonfly swarm of tiny insects, it focuses its attention on just one individual.

Through selective attention, it eliminates other potential prey in the swarm and focuses solely on your goals.

Dragonflies are very accurate when it comes to catching their prey.

Their success rate is very high - 97 percent!


Ants have an amazing ability to always find your way back home, even if they have wandered far from home in search of food.

Scientists have long known that ants use a variety of visual cues that remind them of where they have their colony.

However, I wonder how ants manage to find their way home in some places, such as deserts, where there are no clear guidelines?

This question is a simple experiment attempted to answer Knaden Dr. Marcus, Dr. Catherine Stack and Professor Bill Hanson of the Institute of Chemical Ecology Max Planck in Germany.
For their experiment the scientists used the Tunisian desert ants.

They placed four different smell around the entrance to the nest, and made sure that the entrance was barely visible.

Giving the ants enough time to ensure that bind odors from their home, they remove the smell, and then put them in a different location, with themselves, with no nest and no entry.

At the new place were only four smell, used earlier in the same place.
Surprisingly, the ants went to the place where they were located smells (the same place where he was to be the entrance to the nest)! This experiment proved that the ants can smell in stereo, that is, they have the ability to simultaneously feel two different smell coming from the two unique ways.

In addition, the experiment also proved that in places such as deserts, the ants do not rely on visual cues.

They create a "map of smells" of their environment, using his "stereo sense of smell." While there is the smell, they always find their way home.


Wasp-riders are so called because of their "magical" ability to convert their prey or enemies in "zombie".

It may sound like something out of science fiction movie, however, scientists have shown that the wasp-riders are really capable of inducing other insects in a condition similar to a zombie state.

Even more scary is the fact that as soon as the insects become zombies, wasp-riders can control them.
wasps riders lay their eggs inside the bodies of young caterpillars moths. Larvae inside caterpillars survive by feeding on the body fluids of the host.

Once fully developed larvae, they are chosen from the body of the caterpillar, drive her skin.

Then they create a cocoon and are attached to the leaf or branch.

But here's what is a little creepy, but no less interesting part.

Caterpillar vehicle wasp eggs rider does not leave the cocoon, rather than to deal with their own affairs, acts as bodyguard caterpillar cocoon, protecting it from various predators.
The researchers conducted an experiment that showed that infected caterpillars really become "zombie bodyguards" OC riders, putting them face to face with beetles defenders. Caterpillars, which have not been infected, did nothing to stop the beetles defenders held near the cocoon.

In contrast, infected caterpillars protected cocoon, knocking beetle from a branch.

Scientists do not know why the infected caterpillars protected cocoon.

Nevertheless, they learned that this incredible ability wasps riders plays a crucial role in their survival.

Bombardier beetle

When it comes to defensive strategies in the insect world, nothing beats the beetle scorer.

This creature has an incredible ability to shoot a hot mixture of chemical solution is strong enough to injure his enemies. Toxic mixture sprayed beetle, can reach an impressive temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.
But even more fascinating is the complex structure of the body of the bombardier beetle. The fact that both chemicals, hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone, which is an insect uses to injure their enemies dangerous and lead to death.

If they do not keep and do not mix properly, these chemicals will lead to the fact that bombardier beetle to explode!

If it were not for their well-designed body, bombardier beetles would not exist.

At the end of the abdominal cavity of the insect has two glands.

They are separated from hydrogen peroxide, hydroquinone.

If the bombardier beetle feels threatened, his sphincter muscles squeeze the right amount of chemicals in a certain part of the body where they are mixed with other toxic substances.

The result is a hot mixture of toxic chemicals that can injure the enemies of the bombardier beetle.

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