
Thursday, September 18, 2014


I think that will not leave anyone indifferent population of the underwater world. These incredible creatures, colorful extravaganza fish, swaying kelp, jellyfish, corals, fish Yuri crowd, Spies and frozen predators ... and everything comes to life, moving, all strikes ...
Lionfish (lat. Pterois) - genus bony fish of the family Scorpaenidae. The total body length of 20 cm (P. andover, P. antennata) to 38 cm (zebra lionfish) /. Distributed in the Indo-Pacific region.
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Samara reaches a length of 35 centimeters. Big head is from a third to a half of the total length of the body. [2] Coloration varies from reddish to brown and gray on the trunk and the head numerous thin transverse dark stripes. Similar in appearance to other species, the red cape (lat. Pterois volitans). Although red lionfish - mainly Pacific species, habitats of two types overlap in the area of ​​Sumatra. The dorsal fin has 13 needles and from 9 to 11 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 needles and 6-7 soft rays. In adults, there are also small spikes around the gill cover and tufts of spines on the dorsal, anal and caudal fins. Spikes are extremely poisonous thorn prick lionfish can lead to death.
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Cassiopea Andromeda
Size Mangrovenqualle (Cassiopea Andromeda) - it Medusa, which, like other kinds of them lives in coastal areas with peschanyoy soil in a shallow lagoon. Meanwhile, this type also in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Malta. Often this type of confused with Seeanemonen, C. Andromeda lives mostly on the floor, their tentacles are directed upwards. Hazel Bell may have a diameter up to 30 cm to achieve.
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Mandarin (lat. Synchiropus splendidus) - a small, brightly colored fish of the family of current regulation, the order Perciformes.
popular as aquarium fish. The natural habitat of mandarin - in the western Pacific Ocean on the length of about from the Ryukyu Islands south to Australia. Also this fish because of the similarities in morphology and behavior is sometimes confused with the goby family and called Bychkova mandarin. Other trade names for its "green mandarin", "striped mandarin" or "psychedelic fish." Title psychedelic mandarin is also used to refer to closely related species, the brightest representatives Lirova Synchiropus picturatus.
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Mandarin are the inhabitants of reefs, preferring protected lagoons and inshore reefs. Despite the fact that they float slowly and quite common in their habitat, their not easily observed because the image of the bottom power and small size (about 6 cm). They feed mainly on crustaceans and other invertebrates. Mandarin name given to them because of the unusually bright coloring, reminiscent of the Imperial Chinese mandarin gown.
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Aquarium content Nesmot convent on their popularity as aquarium fish, it is believed that the mandarin is difficult to maintain because their eating habits are very specific. Some fish never are adapted to aquarium life I, refusing to eat anything other than live senoedov and amphipods (in vivo), although some individuals become accustomed to the aquarium food and characterized by high endurance and high resistance to diseases such as ich. They can not get sick ich because they do not have the type of skin that affects a widespread disease aquarium.
similar mandarin name has other fish, properly called the Chinese perch, is a distant relative of the mandarin.Live underwater world!

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Anemones, or sea anemones (lat. Actiniaria) - detachment from the class of marine Cnidaria coral polyps (Anthozoa). Representatives deprived mineral skeleton. Typically, the single form. Most anemones - sessile organisms living on solid ground. A few species (eg, Nematostella vectensis) moved to a burrowing lifestyle in the bottom sediments.
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Surgeonfish (lat. Acanthuridae) - the family of the order Perciformes marine fish living in tropical waters and coral reefs.
Most species of 15 to 40 cm, but there are species and up to 1 m. Body deep, strongly flattened laterally. Eyes set on high, mouth malenkiy.Ne recommended to place these stars in a reef aquarium, as they are potentially dangerous to corals and other invertebrates.

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Star protoreaster krasnoshipaya (Protoreaster linckii) - the most prominent and well-known protoreaster, from other members of the genus differs contrast crimson-gray color and large spine-like protuberances on the sides at the ends of beams. RazmeryDo 30 cm in diameter. The area of ​​distribution: species is widely distributed in the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Africa to Western Australia. Usually found in shallow waters with muddy or sandy soil, and in thickets of aquatic vegetation. Thanks to the attractive color, this species is one of the most popular among aquarists.
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However, the content of it is somewhat more complicated than other protoreastery, vchastnosti less resistant to changes in the parameters of the water and more capricious in choosing the proposed feed. For the successful maintenance needs mature aquarium 300 liters with stable conditions, desirable living stones and open bottom areas with soft soil. The main problem is the refusal of food. In nature apparently not so omnivorous, as other members of the genus. The basis of their diet consists of different sponges, although there are reports of power other invertebrates, and carrion. Under the conditions of the aquarium with difficulty moving to replacement feed, but they can not bring meat clams, shrimp and fish fillets.
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Indian coral catshark (lat. Atelomycterus marmoratus) - kind of sharks of the family cat shark (Scyliorhinidae) . occurs in the Indian and western Pacific Ocean, from Pakistan to southern China and Taiwan. At length grows up to 70 cm. IUCN describes the conservation status of this species as "close to a vulnerable state."
The most common Indian coral cat sharks are common off the coast of Pakistan and India, and in South-East Asia in Taiwan, the Philippines and New Guinea. To the north of the habitat extends to the Ryukyu Islands. These sharks are bottom view and inhabit the coastal coral reefs at a depth of 15 meters.
A small number of Indian coral cat sharks mined in artisanal fishing on the reefs in the eastern part of Indonesia. Eat meat, processed for fishmeal used for liver fat, but the size of these sharks limits their economic importance. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessed the conservation status of this species as "close to a vulnerable position" because of the increasing intensity of fishing and the deteriorating conditions in the habitat. 
Contents Aquarium Coral ovyh cat sharks often contain saltwater aquariums. For the content of these sharks requires an aquarium of at least 3 m in length, with a deep enough shelters. In captivity, these sharks can live up to 20 years and successfully. In addition, they are more aggressive than other captive sharks and can attack their neighbors in the aquarium, even if it is a large fish, which they can not eat.
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Boxfish-cube (lat. Ostracion cubicus) - fish of the family unit Kuzovkova Tetraodontiformes, widespread in the Pacific and Indian Oceans in the reef areas, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean off the southwestern coast Afriki.Kak name implies, the boxfish has a cube-shape kuboobraznuyu body.Body of the fish that is protected, as well as at other Kuzovkova, exoskeleton shown shell of fused bone plates. Additional protective mechanism in addition to the shell is the ability to allocate at danger toxic slime.
Spiny rays in the fins are missing. Dorsal fin with 8-9 soft rays in the anal fin with 9 soft rays in the caudal fin rays of ten. Caudal fin increases with age relative to the overall size of the body.
Maximum body length up to 45 centimeters. Juveniles bright yellow, with black or dark-blue spots;age-yellow color fades to off-mustard 
, and the spots disappear almost completely, becoming white with a bluish center. The adults have a bluish color with yellow residues at the junctions between the scales. The main food - algae, incidental - microplankton, sponges, mollusks, benthic worms, foraminifera, small crustaceans and fish. fish populations of the Red Sea is slightly different in color and is known as Ostracion argus, is considered a junior synonym. Closely related to
the first view - Ostracion immaculatus, inhabiting the southern coast of Japan.

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