
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It inhabits the Chinese nightingale mountain ranges at an altitude of 1500 - 3000 m above sea level, from the Himalayas in the west to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the east. Thick scrub and thickets of bamboo are the main habitat of these birds that feed on insects, buds, fruit trees and shrubs. Nest cup-shaped and woven from the stalks, leaves and various plant fibers and moss.Located in dense thickets of low over the ground. Masonry consists of 3 - 5 greenish-blue eggs with pink speckles. Incubation lasts 12 days, the chicks leave the nest at 12 - 14 days of age. Chinese nightingales - typical monogamous, but non-breeding period staykami.Razmer keep birds - about 19 cm.
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Chicks Crested Partridge (Rollulus roulroul) - born on January 7, 2012. :) Medium-sized bird with a short tail. The body length is about 25 cm. Males are larger than females on average. Around the eyes in both sexes "points" of bright red skin. Red legs without spurs.
Colouring males metallic green top, bottom glossy dark blue, brown wings. The head is decorated with a high red crest, a white spot on the forehead and a black beard. The female has an olive-green plumage, except wing coverts brown color. On the forehead of the female also has a bluish-gray beard. Chicks completely dark. Young birds are painted as the adults of the same sex. The song consists of a sad whistle "B Street" .Gnezdo arrange in a recess lined with leaves, on top of the nest also covers the fallen leaves. In laying five or six white eggs, which are incubated for 18 days. Unlike other Galliformes, the chicks are fed by both parents from the beak to beak, and to burn off the ground. Newly hatched chicks, although the brood type, spend the night in the nest.
Crested grouse feed on the ground, eating fruits, seeds and invertebrates. Being scared just fly off.
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California cuckoo-plantain (Geococcyx californianus), also known as large cuckoo-plantain, earthen Bega cuckoo or road runner - North American long-legged bird of the cuckoo family (Cuculidae). Lives in deserts and semi-deserts of the south-eastern United States and northern Mexico.
Adults cuckoo-CZ iki reach a length of 51 to 61 cm, including the tail.
This bird - a very good runner. It can reach a speed of 42 km / h. This helps him and a special arrangement of the toes, as both external pin placed back, and both internal forward. It flies, however, due to their short wings very bad and can stay in the air a few seconds.
Infrared has developed an unusual energy-saving way to spend the first cold nights in the desert. At this time of the day its body temperature drops, and he falls into a kind of hibernation fixed. On its back are uncovered feathers dark skin. In the morning, he dismisses their feathers and substitutes these skin to the sun. Due to the heat of the body temperature quickly returns to its normal level.
most of their time on the ground and hunt for snakes, lizards, insects, rodents and small birds. It is fast enough to kill even small vipers, which she grabs the tail and beak hit his head on the ground like a whip. She swallows the prey whole. His English name is Road Runner (Road Runner), this bird has received for what used to run for stagecoach and grab small animals, disturbed by their wheels.RљSѓRєSѓS € RєR ° RџRѕRґRѕSЂRѕR¶RЅRёRє (475x700, 253Kb)
Sinebryukhov Roller - Blue-bellied Roller (Coracias cyanogaster)
Sinebryukhov Roller value of approximately daw. Body length ranges from 28 to 30 cm, including the tail feathers length of 6 cm, the length of the wings is 16 to 19 cm. Weight bird is from 110 to 178, the males slightly larger than females. Spin dark green, rather large head, cream-colored head, chest and most of the plumage mainly ultramarine color. In adult birds on the thymus azure tail bands are 6 cm long. Mandible slightly bent at the tip down. Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced. Plumage color more intense in adult birds than in young birds.
at a rate of 3 to 5, and the sounds of a second bird emits approximately 5 seconds, dry, compressed sound "ha-ha-ma-ha. '
range extends from West to Central Africa . Birds can be found in small groups, the number from 2 to 6, and the birds on the edge of forests in savannas.
Sinebryukhov Roller often sits in the trees, sometimes also on poles and pylons, where they look out for their prey, often consisting of insects.

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Bali starling, or Balinese mine (lat. Leucopsar rothschildi) - kind of passerine from the family's starling (Sturnidae). The only member of the genus Leucopsar. Bird all white, except for the dark end of primaries and tail feathers and a bluish ring around the eye. This endemic species is found only in the north-west of. Bali, located in the north-eastern tip of the. Java.
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Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) - Scarlet Ibis
0_6bd86_229beef4_XLScarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) - Alkmaar "C <grau Röhr ± RёSЃ (555x700, 279Kb)
 The only representative of the hummingbird , found east of the Mississippi (and, accordingly, in Chikago.Dlina - to 9 cm, weight - 2-6 g.Pered migration of birds are gaining an additional 2 grams of fat to your weight, to prepare for the 800-mile nonstop hop through Mexico zaliv.Amerikanskaya headed duck, at least, the North American population prefers natural habitats that cover permanent freshwater and alkaline lakes and marshes with extensive thickets of emergent vegetation, stable water level and the wide area of open water to get in and take off. Such reservoirs usually silted and not very deep, providing ample opportunity for foraging. hold winter in coastal areas - in salty or brackish lagoons and estuaries, and large lakes.
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Blyths hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus) - Papuansky Hornbill. Refers to the hornbill. Lives in Indonesia and the Solomon ostrovah.U female feathers on the head is black, and males - reddish-brown. On the beak is hollow outgrowth, the appointment of which is still not very well known. There are various assumptions, such as for acquiring the partners, or to enhance the sound at the cries.
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The female builds a nest in hollow trees, zabarrikadiruya a wall of mud. Leaves a small hole through which the male feeds her and the chicks until they are older.
feed on fruits and vegetables, but sometimes it can catch and small animals. His name shall hammer cop form his head, which is due to a sharp beak and a wide crest, aspiring ago, resembles a hammer. Both sexes look alike and have brownish plumage.
Molotoglavy live in Africa, from Sierra Leone, and Sudan to the south of the continent, as well as in Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula.

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Kookaburra, or laughing kingfishers - genus of birds of the family Kingfishers; are found in savannas and woodlands of Australia and New Guinea.
Its length is 45-47 cm, wingspan of 65 cm; weighs approx. 0.5 kg
Kookaburra is renowned for his screams that sound like human laughter (hence their name). Creek begins as a low tone "hiccough" laugh, which grows into sharp "ha-ha-ha." Despite the relatively small area of residence Kookaburra, their unique cry is often used as a "jungle sounds" in the soundtracks of movies, TV shows - regardless of where the action
is territorial bird, living in small groups, and their cries serve the same purpose as that of the many other birds - marking their territory. Especially clamorous Kookaburra in the evening and at dawn and before the breeding season. They nest in tree cavities. They feed on insects and small vertebrates - lizards, snakes (including poisonous), and rodents, wait for them patiently sitting on a branch.Kookaburra, or laughing kingfishers - genus of birds of the family Kingfishers; are found in savannas and woodlands of Australia and New Guinea.
Its length is 45-47 cm, wingspan of 65 cm; weighs approx. 0.5 kg
Kookaburra is renowned for his screams that sound like human laughter (hence their name). Creek begins as a low tone "hiccough" laugh, which grows into sharp "ha-ha-ha." Despite the relatively small area of residence Kookaburra, their unique cry is often used as a "jungle sounds" in the soundtracks of movies, TV shows - regardless of where the action
is territorial bird, living in small groups, and their cries serve the same purpose as that of the many other birds - marking their territory. Especially clamorous Kookaburra in the evening and at dawn and before the breeding season. They nest in tree cavities. They feed on insects and small vertebrates - lizards, snakes (including poisonous), and rodents, wait for them patiently sitting on a branch.

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Blue-gray tanager is widespread from Mexico to northwestern Peru, northern Bolivia and Brazil.Tanagra feed mainly fruit, but occasionally eat insects and.
Length bird about 18 cm.
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Trumpeter swan on the appearance and way of life is similar to the Whooper Swan, however, he, unlike the whooper, beak is completely black.

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Colorful and exciting world of birds!

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Colorful and exciting world of birds!

Colorful and exciting world of birds!

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Colorful and exciting world of birds!

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