Friday, April 1, 2011


Mycoses and Mycotoxicoses


389 389.The Aspergillus granulomatous dermatitis as a postvaccinal compli¬cation is observed in growing broiler breeders. Following subcutaneous application of oil adjuvant vaccine in the lower part of the neck, a marked local reaction with extensive swelling of the head is observed.
390 391 390.391.. The swellings involve the subcutaneous tissue of periorbital sinuses, the mandibular space, even the entire skull without the skin adnexa.
The head is 392.The head is ballooned with strongly stretched skin.
in some cases 393.In some cases, the covering skin acquires a blue-greenish colour.
The eye 394.The eyeball is sometimes affected by necrotic colliquation.
Among the cross sectional surface if the highly oedematous subcutaneous tissue, multiple structures resembling sand grains are detected. 395.Among the cross sectional surface if the highly oedematous subcutaneous tissue, multiple structures resembling sand grains are detected.
a later stage, a spontaneous regression of oedemas occurs, but granulomatous formations continue to be visible in the subcutaneous tissue. 396.a later stage, a spontaneous regression of oedemas occurs, but granulomatous formations continue to be visible in the subcutaneous tissue.
Histologically, among the oedematous subcutaneous connective tissue, multiple granulomas are detected. 397.Histologically, among the oedematous subcutaneous connective tissue, multiple granulomas are detected.
central zone of granulomas is an inflammatory necrotic detritus with many eosinophilic leukocytes delineated within. 398.central zone of granulomas is an inflammatory necrotic detritus with many eosinophilic leukocytes delineated within.
, as a crown, multinuclear giant cells of a foreign-body type are arranged, with fibroblast fibrocyte growths around them. 399., as a crown, multinuclear giant cells of a foreign-body type are arranged, with fibroblast fibrocyte growths around them.
. At a later stage of the condition, after phagocytosis of the detritus, the structure of granulomas is mainly composed by foreign-body giant cells and connective tissue growths. 400.. At a later stage of the condition, after phagocytosis of the detritus, the structure of granulomas is mainly composed by foreign-body giant cells and connective tissue growths.

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